Farm Vehicles
Farm vehicles are used for the transportation of farm products, commodities, supplies, equipment, and building and maintenance items owned by the farmer.

Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act regulates everything from vehicle licensing and classifications to load restrictions and transportation issues. There are many regulations within the Highway Traffic Act that can affect the business of farming as they relate to travelling roadways with tractors, equipment and trucks. It’s the farm owner and equipment operator’s responsibility to know the rules of the road that apply to farm equipment, self-propelled vehicles, load restrictions, licensing and towing requirements.
You can register a vehicle with a farm plate in Ontario if you:
• register a commercial vehicle that weighs over 3,000 kg
• are a farmer
• earn $7000 or more gross income annually from a farming business
• have registered with the
Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act (unless you have been granted an exemption)
Learn more here:
Every farm is unique and requires individual insurance coverage. Haldimand Insurance Brokers will get you the right protection at a competitive price.