Private Passenger Vehicles
Private Passenger Vehicles are vehicles operated by an individual or family for personal use,
excluding recreational vehicles.

The mandatory coverages in Ontario include Third Party Liability Coverage, Accident Benefits, Direct Compensation Property Damage and Uninsured Automobile Coverage.
There are optional coverages you may want to add to your policy. Among the most common are Collision, Comprehensive, Optional Accident Benefits, Waiver of Depreciation, Liability for Damage to Non-owned Automobiles, Loss of Use Endorsement and Accident Protection.
Our available discounts include home and auto discount, multi-vehicle insurance, conviction -free discount, renewal discount, no commute discount, driver training discount, higher deductible, winter tire discount, good student discount, plus many more. Contact our office to see what additional discount you may be eligible for.
We offer customized rating depending on your commute. We insure vehicles up to $200,000. Varying deductibles available for $500-$10,000, and up to $5,000,000 liability limit.