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  • Combining your home/condo/tenants insurance with your auto insurance could save you hundreds of dollars. Speak to a Haldimand Insurance broker today to learn more.
  • Terms & Conditions

    Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD, its affiliates and related companies take no responsibility for the accuracy or validity of any claims or statements contained in the information, or related graphics of this site. Further, Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD makes no representations whatsoever about the suitability of any of the information contained in the information or graphics on this site for any purpose. All such information and related graphics are provided without warranty of any kind. Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD make no representations whatsoever about any other Web site which you may access through this site. When you access a non-Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD Web site, you understand and acknowledge that it is independent from Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD and that Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD has no control over the content on any such Web site. In addition, a link to a non-Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD Web site does not mean that Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of such Web site. It is your responsibility to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use by you is free of such items such as viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature. IN NO EVENT WILL Haldimand Insurance Brokers LTD BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE OR REFERRED TO ON THIS SITE. 

    Our role is to provide you with the best insurance value that combines coverage, service, and price.  We also provide personalized quality service that includes professional insurance advice, ongoing policy maintenance and claims support.  When any issues arise regarding your insurance coverage, we are your advocate, using our professional experience to best represent your individual or family interest.
    Our brokerage compensation is part of your insurance premium.  For your benefit we have listed below Automobile, Personal Lines Property, Commercial and Farm insurers that we represent and have included the range of compensation each product contributes to your overall premium that appears on your invoice.
    Aviva Group, Echelon, Gore, Hagerty, HD Mutual, Intact, Jevco, Nova Mutual, Portage
    5% - 12.5%   
    Personal Lines Property
    Aviva Group, Gore, HD Mutual, Intact, Nova Mutual, Portage, Specialty Markets*
    20%  (*various)
    Commercial and Farm
    Aviva Group, Echelon, Gore, HD Mutual, Intact, Jevco, Nova Mutual, Portage, Specialty Markets *
    15% - 25%   (*various)
    For us to maintain strong relationships with quality insurers, we will work with each to provide the type of business they desire.  The insurers recognize our efforts and pay us a contingent commission depending on growth, profitability (loss ratio), volume, retention and increased services that we provide on behalf of the insurer.  Contingent Commission is not guaranteed.  Go to the Company’s website for detailed information.

    Haldimand Insurance is proud of our independence, financial stability and that you can count on us to be there when you need us most. We will continue to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism and commitment to you.  Nova Mutual holds a minority interest in our company and has provided a loan used to expand our business. This relationship has no impact on the decisions where to place insurance.

    Our disclosure commitments are made in the best interest of our customers.  We encourage you to consult insurance industry websites for additional information.