Auto Insurance Tips for Canadian Snowbirds
1) Prior to your travel, review your auto policy carefully with regards to travel to the U.S.
2) Connect with your broker to review your policy, as they...
Posted: 2022-11-18 4:21:41 PM by
Haldimand Insurance
If you're a snowbird that heads south for the winter, your home will likely need some prep work before you leave. Check out a few of these tips here:
1) Check your home insurance for requireme...
Posted: 2022-11-18 1:54:22 PM by
Haldimand Insurance
Most Canadian Insurance companies do not provide a specific dashcam discount on your car insurance. There are however ways dashcams can indirectly save you money on your car insurance. ...
Posted: 2022-11-18 11:06:58 AM by
Haldimand Insurance